“This writing course was beneficial because it taught me how to write a good critical essay, a skill they never really sit down and teach you in school. It also helped me to realize that a good critical essay has a lot more thought and requires more of the creative process than I had previously thought.”

Confident Writers


“I actually learned how to write a paper. In previous years, all I had learned was to ‘plug-and-chug’ words into making a formulaic essay. This approach makes you think for yourself, and create critical analysis that breaks the mold of traditional writing.”

“Mr. Connell's class was clear, concise, and broken up into baby steps. I never felt overwhelmed with this whole process, but at the same time I never felt bored. It was the perfect challenge.”

“I enjoyed Mr. Connell’s teaching method because it was very personal and one-on-one. He took the time to make sure that you knew the material and understood the benefits of the creative process.”

“I’ve already used the skills that I’ve learned on tests and essays at school! This course has very real world applications, and I can already see its benefits.”


“I'm seriously going to use this method for every paper I ever write from here on out.”

“Mr. Connell gave detailed feedback that was insightful and affirming. I always felt supported!”

“I learned a lot about word choice and definitely brushed up on proper grammar.”

“I thought CSW was incredibly useful, and I actually sound intelligent in my paper (for once).”